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Euratom Work Programme 2023-2025 for nuclear research and training

​Researchers will receive €132,3 million through the new Euratom Research and Training Work Programme 2023-2025 for investments in nuclear innovation and technology.

Published on 17 March 2023

The European Commission has published the Euratom Work Programme 2023-2025 for nucleart and training on 17 March 2023. The overal aim of it is to pursue nuclear research and training activities of the Euratom community by adressing several key issues in both nuclear fission and fusion. Additionaly, the Euratom programme also complements the achievement of Horizon Europe's Objectives and more broadely those of the EU when it comes to security of energy supply, technological leadership or cooperation with Ukrainian research entities.

More specifically, the Work Programme details research and training actions that the Commission will fund in 2023-2025 through calls for proposals in 11 actions mainly oriented through Nuclear Safety ; Safe spent fuel and radioactive waste management, decommisioning and Nuclear science ; and ionising radiation applications, radiation protection, and emergency preparadness. Grants to identified beneficiaries, procurement and prizes will also be part of the programmes's actions.

The relevant Calls for Proposals are available on The Commission Funding and Tenders Opportunities Portal.

The deadline of this call is fixed to November 9th, 2023.

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